Why This Website?
In a nutshell...
Shen Yun Performing Arts has become a global sensation, performing for over one million people each year. With this rise in popularity comes an increasing interest in behind the scenes, and the lives of the artists who make it all happen. This website was created to offer the public an inside look at the work, play, and family life of Shen Yun artists.
The Full Story
Since its founding in 2006, Shen Yun Performing Arts has experienced a meteoric rise. When we started, we had just one performing troupe rehearsing in a handful of buildings in the middle of the woods. Today, we have eight touring companies that travel the world simultaneously, performing in over 200 cities across 5 continents each year. Our training center is located on a 400-acre property in upstate New York called Dragon Springs, where we enjoy exquisite, authentic Tang Dynasty-style temple buildings alongside state-of-the-art rehearsal space.
Our success, however, has not been without its challenges.
Shen Yun showcases the beauty and spiritual depth of authentic Chinese culture before communism, and well, the communist Chinese regime doesn't like that very much. They have tried to convince the world they are the true shepards of the Chinese people and their culture. But the truth is, since they seized power in 1949, they have tried to destroy China's authentic culture so as to instill Marxism in people. So, from the very beginning, they have tried to stop us from performing. From pressuring theaters to scaring theater-goers, the Chinese communist regime has gone to great lengths to cancel us all around the world (spoiler alert: they fail almost every time!). A key part of this illicit effort has been a systematic smear campaign to convince the world that something is wrong with Shen Yun. I guess they figure if they cannot stop theaters from letting us perform, perhaps they can scare people away from buying a ticket?!?!?
And so, partially due to increasing curiosity among our fans and partially because the Chinese communist regime has spread many lies about us, we decided to tell our own story... the real story of our training, our art, our hopes and dreams... basically, our lives.
We are current Shen Yun artists, former artists as well as close friends and family. This is our story, and we welcome you to explore it!